Sunday, June 3, 2007


One of the questions I get asked the most is just what I put in sandwiches for the kids. I think we eat a more varied diet than most because of avoiding certain products. So here is a list of the regular fillings - with or without salad of course:

cream cheese
tuna and mayo (with sweetcorn sometimes)
poached salmon and mayo or tinned salmon
ham (occasionally - and the best quality I can buy)
fruit spread
almond butter
nutella (occasionally) - and always on wholemeal grainy bread
leftover cold roast chicken
leftover beef joint

There are plenty of other options too that my daughter doesn't really like

cottage cheese
peanut butter (sometimes with fruit spread)
smoked salmon

And then there's the toasted sandwich with a salad garnish:

cheese and onion or pineapple or tomato
mashed up baked beans ( protein and fibre!)

I love that daughter will eat these as they are a really quick and easy balanced meal - if you put some cherry tomatoes, celery and carrot sticks, cucumber stars (use cookie cutters)and lettuce on the side too.

Who said that avoiding food additives was hard?

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